Our Secret Yeti Agent training programme is most suitable for children aged between seven and ten.

Our Programme, introduced on tape by Agent Y, has three sets of challenges to enable teaching staff to mentor Growth Mindset thinking and (as an additional bonus) hone your schools Secret Yeti Agent Skills! 

Agent Y

Our training section is full of resources to refresh and develop Growth Mindset, with a specific focus on goal setting to help your pupils feel like successful learners. Additional opportunities for coaching and modelling can be enjoyed outdoors, with our Playground Field Guide. 

Is  your school ready to take on the challenge of keeping our yetis safe from nefarious yeti hunters? .... 


We love to support our schools and give them a personal experience by adding our yetis into your photographs, to build interest and enthusiasm from you learners! 


Please get in touch if you would like any more information or we can answer any questions.
If you're enquiring from an educational setting, we would be delighted to supply you with a 'Magic Key' to give you temporary access to explore our digital learning platform.